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Find words!
How it works
Enter your letters
Write down the letters from the Ruzzle playing field, from left to right, line by line.
Click "Find words!"
All words that can be constructed from your letters will be listed below results.
Hover each word to see which letters that are used.
About Ruzzlecheater

Tired of losing?

Ruzzlecheater is a handy tool to win against your friends in Ruzzle, previously named Rumble. It is completely free for personal use. It was coded by an individual developer (me, obviously) as a hobby project and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Ruzzle (tm), Rumble or MAG Interactive.

Cheating is no fun :(

Sorry. As long as there are games, there will be cheaters. Here at Ruzzlecheater, we encourage cheating. Let's beat those freaky intelligent Ruzzle nerds!

I like Ruzzlecheater!

If you like Ruzzlecheater, please support me by sharing it with your friends or getting the Android App in Google Play. It's only $1!

Do you have a suggestion, feedback or simply would like to do some small talk? Contact me at info@ruzzlecheater.com